Short and sweet - but let me tell you, the very first thing I noticed within in days of putting the bottle down, I feel pretty! Yes, well actually, I am pretty...I just happened to SEE it for the first time in a long time.
I drink to feel more pretty - or hell, just to not care if anyone thinks I am or not! Oh, the irony!
Its not that I couldn't tell I looked like shit while I was drinking. Id wake up in the morning, bloated, bloodshot eyes. My hygiene was taking a bit of a dive. I knew you were only supposed to wash your hair a few times a week, ya know, for the health of it. But my showers were getting down there too, and I just didn't care. Gross!
Obviously another big thing I've noticed in the nearly 2 weeks sober is how GOOD I feel when I wake up! I swear I had started to feel normal in hangover state. Sure my head hurt, I was groggy, and on the weekends I'd barely leave the couch...but I had wanted to catch up on Netflix after all, hadn't I?
I'm tired as hell though - like going to bed super early and sleeping in. My husband too. I keep telling him this is a product of years worth of poor-drunk sleep, and we have some serious catching up to do.
And I'm calm. Well relatively speaking, I'm calm-er. I wake up, I get ready for work, I get my kids off, I drive to work, all in peace. It gets a little harder to hold on to as the day goes by, but its something. Its good. And it will be better tomorrow. Tomorrow Ill be even more calm.
And pretty.
I can so relate to your post! Many a time have I looked in the mirror in the morning and hated what I see. Self care definitely takes a dive when you are consumed with drinking every night. It's amazing how good it feels to wake up without a hangover every day. Congrats on nearly 2 weeks! A x